Version Française
Benoît Mugnier Lead WEB Developer / Project Manager

Benoît Mugnier
Age: 39 years old
Location: Annemasse, France
Twitter: @beenwa

Young independent web developer, serious and motivated working in the web for 18 years. My education and my experience allowed me to progress quickly and reach a high level of responsibility. Missions that are entrusted me allowed me to be in a relationship with many customers, recruit and manage a diverse team of collaborators (project managers, integrators, designers, community managers) and achieve successful large-scale projects.


Programming skills

  • Technologies and Languages
    • Professional: Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5.3, MariaDB (MySQL), PostgreSQL, Salesforce, MongoDB, Apache Solr, MS-SQL, HTML5, XML, JSON, Web Services, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript, Redis
    • Have used: C++, ActionScript 3
  • Frameworks and Libraries
    • Professional: Angular 2, Drupal, Silex, Ruby on Rails, Prestashop, Gearman, Doctrine, jQuery, Facebook SDK, R&D, Git
    • Can work with: Symfony, Laravel, Zend Framework, Wordpress, Joomla, Flash
    • Have used: Google Maps, YUI, MailChimp
  • Environments
    • Operatings System: Mac, Windows, Linux Debian/CentOS
    • Software: Apache, Nginx, Jenkins, Plesk, Sublime Text 2, New Relic, PhotoShop, MySQL Workbench, Skype


  • Project Manager
    • Customer Relationship Management (brief, writing functional specifications and project supervision, training)
  • Lead Developer
    • Writing technical and functional specifications, engineering design, testing.

Other skills

Both Windows and Linux user, have done some system-administration tasks and can setup a development environment.


NewQuest Web Agency (2009 - 2012)

  • Lead WEB developer / Project Manager | Full time
  • Developing many projects, team manager, taking part in architecturing of in-house CMS

EONA (2007 - 2008)

  • Developer Web / C++ | Part time
  • Writing Windows Service in C++ for video stream analysis. Saving datas in database, and displaying it in Web Interface of Set-top Box.
    • DES : Manage a wide range of news and entertainment services in IP on the TV
    • Eopass : Digital television bouquet from a set-top box over IP
    • Eopass Santé : Management of a pay television service in a health establishment

CERN Meyrin (2007)

  • Web developer | Training, 2 months
  • Writing a Collaborative Wiki to help staff in charge of electronical conception of LHC.

Full/detailed history and references available on request (can include contacts to previous customers, code examples and projects case-studies)


Licence D.I.M. in part-time at EONA (professional bachelor’s degree)

  • Graduated with bachelor specialized in software and mobile technologies


  • Learning industrial and information technologies, Unix programmation, Numerical electronics

Bac S.T.I. (equivalent of English "A" levels)

  • A levels with mention in Industrial Science and Technology
Ski, Rock Climbing, Bike